27 February - 13 April

Premiered Off Broadway in 2024 WHITE ROSE: The Musical, is a powerful new musical that follows the inspiring story of a courageous group of university students who stood up to Hitler.

Set against the backdrop of Nazi Germany, the musical follows Sophie and Hans Scholl and a group of young activists as they create and distribute leaflets challenging Hitler’s propaganda.

Through its dynamic and hopeful portrayal, the musical vividly captures the unwavering spirit of youthful resistance against oppression, making for a compelling and heartwarming theatrical experience.

“The story and the underlying message of ‘White Rose’ not only deserves to be heard, but it deserves to be sung and sung loudly!”

Frequent Business Traveler

A Powerful New Musical! engaging music and captivating book and lyrics. The ensemble cast is super.

Splash Magazine

Reviews from 2024 Broadway Production

Download the White Rose cast album now! Available on all streaming platforms